Here’s a list of who to write to.

Your questions are important to us, so we want to provide you with direct access to the right people in our team who can support you.

Link zu diesem Ort auf der Seite: #customer-support

Helen Rotenberg

Head of Customer Success
Customer Support

Need help with VisionAcademy classes, registration, or your vision?

Find instant answers or click the contact icon in the lower right corner of the VisionAcademy Help Center.

Link zu diesem Ort auf der Seite: #influencer

Boris Anufriev

Head of Partnersip Program

Influencer Partnerships & Affiliates

Would like to become our affiliate, or influencer? Have other partnership ideas? If you are a social media personality, represent a blog or website in the fields of health, wellness, or personal growth, we will be glad to collaborate with you. 

Follow the link to register or write to our team at

Link zu diesem Ort auf der Seite: #ophtalmologist

Fedor Simonov

Main Instructor & Metodology Creator

Ophtalmologist Partnership

We are looking for doctors and researchers who want to help move humanity and medicine forward. You can conduct statistical observations or studies, relying on our audience and improve the vision of people with the help of natural healing techniques.

Contact our Research Department: