*Du kannst zur Veranstaltung nach Basel kommen, damit ich live mit dir arbeiten kann, oder mit uns via Zoom üben, während du zu Hause bleibst.
31 Mai.- 1. Juni 2025
Sa 31. Mai, 10.00 - 17:00 Uhr
So 1. Juni, 10.00 - 17:00 Uhr
SPRACHE: Englisch / Deutsch
💶 Preis: CHF 440,00/466€
Tagespreis (online via Zoom): 233 €
Du kannst zur Veranstaltung nach Basel kommen,
damit ich live mit dir arbeiten kann,
oder mit uns via Zoom üben, während du zu Hause bleibst.
31. Mai-1. Juni 2025
Sa 31. Mai, 10.00 — 17:00 Uhr
So 1. Juni, 10.00 — 17:00 Uhr
2 Tage Teilnahme — CHF 440,00/466€
1 Tag Übertragung — 233 € Tagespreis
2 Tage Übertragung — 466€
Die Eye-Diamond-Methode von Fedor Simonov ist ein ganzheitlicher Ansatz für die Wiederherstellung der Sehkraft und umfasst: Qigong, Entspannung der Augenmuskeln, Massage, Yoga, Haltungskorrektur, Meditationen und eine ausgewogene Ernährung. Das System ist sicher und nützlich für Menschen jeden Alters von 6 bis 80 Jahre.
Folgende Ergebnisse sind auch für dich möglich:
- Verbesserung der Sehkraft von 0.25 auf 1 Dioptrie pro Monat, wenn du 30 Minuten pro Tag übst.
- Entspannung und Heilung von Körper und Augen;
- Verbesserung der Durchblutung, Blutdruck, Tonus der Gefäße und der Beweglichkeit;
- Korrektur der Körperhaltung; Lösen von Blockaden des Körpers und der Sicht;
- Vertrauen in die Aufrechthaltung der Ergebnisse der Verbesserung über viele Jahre hinweg;
- Fähigkeit, am Computer so viel zu arbeiten, wie du willst, ohne Überlastung des Sehvermögens;
- Verbesserung von Konzentration, Gedächtnis und Bewusstsein;
- Bessere emotionale, mentale und körperliche Belastbarkeit;
Du wirst erfahren:
- Warum verschlechtert sich das Sehvermögen kontinuierlich? Wie kann man das vermeiden?
- Was sind die wahren Ursachen von Augenproblemen und wie kann man sie beseitigen?
- Wie kann man den Blutdruck normalisieren und “trockene Augen” loswerden?
- Wie kann man den Körper und das Sehvermögen innerhalb von 2 Minuten mit 100% Energie aufladen?
- Wie kann man körperliche, psychische und emotionale Stresstoleranz entwickeln?
- Wie kann man Spannungen aus der Sicht und dem ganzen Körper schnell und effektiv lösen?
— Live-Stream in Zoom
mit Fedor Simonov

I just renewed my membership for another 3 months and now I really want to give you a feedback.
My eyes have improved a lot. Last year I worked on the far vision and since spring of this year I am training near vision (my age: 73 years....). I only need my glasses in the evening when reading at home, as the light is not good enough. But I can read effortlessly in the sunshine. Sometimes I need the glasses when reading a recipe with very small letters. With the pipe I can read all lines of the chart with my stronger eye and two lines above with the weaker eye. I am driving without glasses. Every morning I practise QiGong as you showed us and I love the exercises with energy ball and rubber – it clears my brain and gives me energy. You helped me a lot and I thank you very much for your engagement.
Marianne Küpfer
73 years old

I see these classes as fitness for the eyes.
A wide variety of techniques, from which you can choose those that like most of all.
I feel the great potential of this school. The training provided everything: knowledge, practice, and motivation!
I liked the friendly atmosphere of the classes.
Thank you all! I wish you successful and creative growth!

The program really works and allows a person to recover vision!
Of course, this is not achieved immediately, but the results showed confidence that this is real.
I don't use glasses any more. My head stopped hurting. I can read a small text without glasses and without any tension, it became easier to drive a car,
and it is unusual to drive without glasses. Thanks!
Retired, 65

More strength and energy appeared. It's much easier to wake up in the morning now.
My sleep is much better than before.
I have enough energy to do everything I planned and even more, and I'm always in a positive spirit!
And most importantly - I improved my vision, began to see more clearly!
Thank you for your approach!

The main thing is that I don't only save my vision, but also gradually improve it; I stopped feeling insecure and believe in further improvement!
Secondly, the vital tone of my body has completely changed to the better. My sleep was restored. And it is also very important — exercise is a pleasant habit now. It was difficult at first, but now I gradually get the feeling that I now have a lot of new skills that improve the quality of my life. Yesterday for the first time I felt that my eyes are relaxed without effort!
Artist-restorer of the highest category

After the lesson, I began to see one line more clearly, there was a lightness in my eyes, my eyes opened wider.
I really liked the warm-up. The discomfort from the eyes, pressure, tension went away. It feels good.
It was valuable for me to learn about healthy visual habits. The new idea was to look into the distance. I also focus on the habit of looking not only using my central vision but also peripheral one.
Alyona Proletarskaya
House keeper

In addition to the benefits for vision, exercises have additional beneficial effects, for example, against a headache, and after the exercise, the headache went away.
Very simple actions, but lead to real results!

I liked the exercises with closing and opening the eyes.
It is interesting to follow the changes in vision and clarity. I think that's what gave the greatest effect from the classes.
Aldis Bērziņš

Before the class, my head was heavy.
I feel great after the class, I feel refreshed, refreshed, and have a clear mind! I really liked all the exercises. The tension in the neck disappeared, there was some improvement in the vision, especially in my right eye.
House keeper